It has been a while since I posted something here. Well, lots of things going on and not enough time. I will try to do some m4/3 reviews (E-P1 and GF1) soon. In the meantime, here is a post about using the Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 micro with the E-P1.
So I decided to give my micro Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 a try. This lens is a leftover from my Nikon days and the only thing I needed was to find a cheap Nikon F to m43 adapter on eBay.
Well, the adapter was delivered today and I like the build and fit. I immediately tried the lens on my E-P1 and I am pleased with the potential of this combo.
Manual focusing using the EVF is very easy and precise (x7 magnification mode) and the image stabilization helps tremendously. Now don't get me wrong: it's definitively harder to use this lens on the E-P1 than mounted on a DSLR. And obviously, for any serious macro work, I tripod is highly recommended. Yet, I was able to take some technically acceptable test shots around the house.
I was ready to buy the Panasonic 45mm f/2.8 macro but I am not sure I really want to fork $800 for this lens anymore.
ISO 1000

Bokeh is a bit nervous on this one

The Canon is my wife's not mine, I swear!

The head below is about 1/2 inch. ISO 1250.

1 comment:
I am very intriqued by the style you have in taking pictures. (the accents of sharpness in parts that are bizzare/nice, well worked in photoshop making contrast and brightness sum up the image, and most of all interesting things to look at)I also applaud you on your well thought out and time tested reviews. Keep up the good work!
(From your loving son, DDS)
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